• Winter 2022/23
  • 264.236
  • Visuelle Kultur
  • Univ.Lekt. Dr.
    Mattia Frapporti
    Univ.Lekt. Dr.
    Niccolò Cuppini
    Post-Doc. Dr.
    Maurilio Pirone

Kunst als Architekturkonzept

Into the Black Box Collective and University of Bologna

In the seminar: ‘Imaginaries and Frictions of Platform Urbanism,’ Mattia Frapporti and Maurilio Pirone (Into the Black Box Collective and University of Bologna), will consider the notion that despite a narrative that considers digital platforms as immaterial entities, their impact on urban spaces is more and more tangible.

Framing these actors as infrastructures, the course will explore the ways in which platforms place themselves into a territory both in material and symbolic terms to radically transform it.

In particular, the course will consider the ways in which platforms territorialize, i.e., through Amazon warehouses or Deliveroo dark kitchens influencing not only labour conditions, but urban life as a whole. These processes, anyway, are not flat or frictionless, but generate resistances that express other urban imaginaries.

These ideas will be further explored in a public lecture led by Niccolò Cuppini of the Into the Black Box Collective and School of Applied Sciences and Arts of the Italian Switzerland. In this public programme: ‘What urban future: Do high-tech metropolises dream of electric sheep?’

The lecture will consider imagery such as satellites reflecting images of the completely deformed contemporary metropolises, and drones designing new architectural shapes. Aerial, aquatic and terrestrial images are part of the mosaic of contemporary urbanization processes.

The enduring circulatory vortex of urban metabolism. Upon this, a new high-tech layer superimposes on contemporary metropolises. The lecture will investigate these contemporary urban-scapes from a critical perspective, showing the main currents of contemporary urban transformations, grounding them with a geo-historical analytical matrix.

Kunst als Architekturkonzept
Univ.Lekt. Dr. Mattia Frapporti
Univ.Lekt. Dr. Niccolò Cuppini
Post-Doc. Dr. Maurilio Pirone

Montag, 14:00-16:00 und 18:00-20:00
Datum: 07. November 2022
Ort: Seminarraum AC0440

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