- 24.11.2020, 17:00
- Buchpräsentation + Diskussion
Book launch and discussion with Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer (editors, Department of Visual Culture, TUW) and Benj Gerdes (contributing author, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm)
Data has emerged as a key component that determines how interactions across the world are structured, mediated and represented. This book examines these new data publics and the areas in which they become operative, via analysis of politics, geographies, environments and social media platforms.
By claiming to offer a mechanism to translate every conceivable occurrence into an abstract code that can be endlessly manipulated, digitally processed data has caused conventional reference systems which hinge on our ability to mark points of origin, to rapidly implode. Authors from a range of disciplines provide insights into such a political economy of data capitalism; the political possibilities of techno-logics beyond data appropriation and data refusal; questions of visual, spatial and geographical organization; emergent ways of life and the environments that sustain them; and the current challenges of data publics, which is explored via case studies of three of the most influential platforms in the social media economy today: Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.
Data Publics will be of great interest to academics and students in the fields of computer science, philosophy, sociology, media and communication studies, architecture, visual culture, art and design, and urban and cultural studies.
With contributions by Matthew Fuller, Luciana Parisi and Ezekiel Dixon-Román, Ignacio Valero, Stephen Graham, Jennifer Gabrys, Benj Gerdes, Louis Moreno, Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer, Lev Manovich, and Ravi Sundaram.
Public Plurality in an Era of Data Determinacy
Edited by Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer
Routledge, 2020
24.11.2020, 5pmBook Launch + Discussion
Livestream via ZOOM
Registration and access via visualculture.eventbrite.com