• 31.10.2022-23.01.2023
  • Vorträge

Modul Visuelle Kultur 2022/23 – Öffentliche Vorträge

31.10.2022 ● Joseph Henry: Music as Form

03.11.2022 ● Stefano Harney: The Return of Mr. Slime

07.11.2022 ● Into The Black Box / Niccolò Cuppini: What Urban Future: Do high-tech metropolises dream of electric sheep?

14.11.2022 ● Benj Gerdes: Oceans of/and Data

21.11.2022 ● Ofri Cnaani: Contested Data Grounds

28.11.2022 ● Ippolito Laparelli: Across design, technology, environment and politics

05.12.2022 ● Bernadette Krejs: Imagining Housing Otherwise

12.12.2022 ● Carmen Hines: Thinking Against Domestic Realism – Screening and Discussion

19.12.2022 ● Lemonot + Urban Radicals: Shaping Narratives and Designing Relationships

23.01.2022 ● Final Presentations

31.10.2022 – 23.01.2023

TU WienKarlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien