- Winter 2022/23
Master - 264.237
- Visuelle Kultur
Modul - Univ.Lekt.Dr.
Letizia Chiappini
Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli MA
Letizia Chiappini
How does the architecture of technology interweave with the physical built environment that we are living in? During our seminar, we will guide students through the provocative concept of ‘sluttiness’ in the city. The aim is to translate from theory to practice, notions such as ‘Platform Urbanism’ and ‘the Glitch’. By observing our everyday life choices and consumerism patterns in relation to the urban space, the main outcome is to collectively reflect upon techno-spatialised practices after the advent of digital platforms. Through the experimental ‘slut walk’, we invite you to observe and take inspiration from your everyday life environment.slutty Together with students, our intervention is meant to co-create visual, graphical and/or text materials that will enrich their ’research file’ to reflect upon these topics.
Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli
A simple tap on a screen conceals a chain of sequenced operations, procedures, and invisible frictions: a complex system where physical, biological, mineral, chemical, and synthetic regimes are entangled in a short time-frame and across scales, from the microscopic to the planetary and beyond. What are the spatial forms of this emerging data-scape ?
Architekturen des Alltags
Univ.Lekt. Dr. Letizia Chiappini
Univ.Lekt. Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, MA
1. Termin: Montag, 14. November 2022, 14:00-16:00
2. Termin: Montag, 28. November 2022, 18:00-20:00
Ort: Seminarraum AC0440
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