• Winter 2022/23 Master
  • 264.096
  • Modul Visuelle Kultur
  • Gastprof. Dr. Ofri Cnaani

Angewandte Kulturtheorie


Our need to consider new tools to rethink our building environment and the practice of planning has rarely been more apparent than in this current moment of multiple crises. How can we think, read, and build in this suspended time frame that cannot be dismissed by notions of ‘getting back‘ or a simple solution of ‘moving forward’? During these seminars, we will respond to this challenge by using methods taken from performance to explore the relation between the body and new techno-spatial scopes.  Performance will be approached as a critical reading method that can expose the temporalities of current techno-political building entanglements, and mark performance as a mode to create critical technology. Performance, and performative interchanges allow us ways of seeing the systems that organize and govern movement in all of its forms and open up for possibilities of the prefigurative politics of anticipatory forms is an enduring space for productive interruption. Using closed reading of selected texts related to the notion of naming and touching, we will explore how performance can become both a reading tool and importantly, a critical tool to understand our built environment. The public talk will focus on Cnaani’s current research titled ‘Data Apartheid’. Cnaani will share the multi-method research project that studies how digital technologies and collaborations with big tech corporations are utilized within the Israel-Palestinian conflict for validating the reality of occupation.

Angewandte Kulturtheorie
Univ.Lekt. Dr. Ofri Cnaani

1. Termin: Montag, 17. Oktober 2022, 14:00-16:00
2. Termin: Montag, 21. November 2022, 14:00-16:00 und 18:00-20:00

Ort: Seminarraum AC0440

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