- Winter 2023/24
Master - 264.097
- Visuelle Kultur
Modul - Carmen Lael Hines, MA
Regime des Visuellen
When was the last time you felt free from work? What are the differences between work and labour? How might the governance of social labour impact the way we live together in our bedrooms, homes, cities, and online environments? This course explores enmeshments between life, love, work and labour in social fabrics increasingly oriented around demands of personal and collective ‘productivity.’ Delving in and between Marxist/Feminist Discourse, Social Reproduction Theory and Platform Urbanism Studies – we will collectively consider the relations forming how societies are ‘reproduced,’ and how we can imagine and conceive of new kinds of socio-spatial relations centered on (un)learning, collective care, and egalitarian futures
Regime des Visuellen
Carmen Lael Hines, MA
Montag, ganztägig
Datum: 4. Dezember 2023
Ort: Seminarraum AC0440
Weitere Details in TISS