• Winter 2019/20
  • 264.094
  • Visuelle Kultur
  • Sen.Sc. Arch. DI Dr.
    Helge Mooshammer

Visuelle Kultur der Stadt

In this course, we will interrogate what the emergence of platform urbanism heralds and signifies for contemporary practices of architecture. We will look at how increasingly trending notions such as innovation, disruption, or resilience are gaining value by moving between different discourses (critical theory, arts, economics, etc.) and in the course of this have begun to inform and shape not only emerging architectural styles but the entire economy of spatial production as such.

Taught in conjunction with the course “Contemporary Culture” (Prof. Mörtenböck), this course will emphasize a practice-oriented approach of research architecture. To this end, we will first identify relevant sites of platform urbanism. Secondly, we will engage with a series of analytical tools from time-space diagrams to performative re-enactments, outcomes of which will be documented and mapped. Thirdly, these investigations will culminate in a joint exhibition at the end of term, aiming to question the often hidden agendas of platform ventures.

Visuelle Kultur der Stadt
Sen.Sc. Arch. DI Dr. Helge Mooshammer

Dienstags, 15:30-20:00
Beginn: 15. Oktober 2019
Ort: Seminarraum Argentinierstraße 8

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