GOING PUBLIC is a mobile open platform, a network of production, reflection and cultural exchange, that establishes itself in peripherical areas.

GOING PUBLIC invites artists to work on places of the city, such as railway stations, public libraries, gas stations, ect…. The project develops an attitude for intervention in social issues, in the fold of public policy, popular activism, nomadism, of today’s precarious and temporary settlements. The researches are addressed to contemprary subjects such as: mobility, borders, new geographies, new Europe, mediterranean and eastern cultures, micro-geographies. GOING PUBLIC is a window on the mobility in terms of space and subjects, in a landscape that day by day is more and more transformed.

GOING PUBLIC is part of MAST (Museo di Arte Sociale e Territoriale), a workshop investigating the key points of territory and society, handling the great themes of changing realities from an artistic point of view. MAST takes the form of a new museum, without walls or fixed abode, which sets out to create an anthropology of day to day life. It is not a defined space, a container of works, yet it is able to transform the territory itself into an ongoing workshop-cum-field of action. The city and its inhabitants are openly surveyed from a wide variety of observation points, following the movements of groups and peaking into the folds of urban living, giving it new values and opening up new spaces for discussion.

GOING PUBLIC develops a program of activities locally and internationally, together with artists, students, local people, communnities of immigrants, sociologists, geographers, historians, writers, art critics, philosophers, ect…through workshops, talks, public debats, films and video screenings, exhibitions, meetings.


aMAZElab is a network for creative production, reflection and cultural exchange, that establishes itself in an interdisciplinare area. Founded by Claudia Zanfi and Gianmaria Conti, aMAZElab develops an attitude for intervention in social issues, in the fold of public policy, nomadism, of today’s precarious and temporary settlements. aMAZElab is committed in researches on territories, communities, micro-geographies, emerging cultures. Among its main activities and productions: editorial projects, magazines, publications; contemporary art and photo exhibitions; film and video screening; lectures, seminars and symposium; talk and walk tours; urban interventions; international meetings.

MAST Museo di Arte Sociale e Territoriale is a project by aMAZElab, an open and mobile platform for projects and ideas which, since 2000, is one of the Italian non-profit realities constantly working as experimental territorial lab, researching on topics such as mobility, migration, memory, borders, new geographies, Mediterranean area and Middle East, public sphere, sustainability.

Among its on-going projects, in collaboration with local and international institutions:

COMMUNITIES AND TERRITORIES: platform on territorial and social changes, which relates the city and its inhabitants, involving artists, citizens and local communities (3 projects in Italy: Modena, Sassuolo, Formigine; 8 projects abroad: Larissa, Barcellona, Alexandria, Istanbul, Nicosia, Tel Aviv, Beirut, Kiev).

GREEN ISLAND: conceived for Milan Design and Urban Week, at Garibaldi Railway Station and via Pepe – Zona Isola, photography, architecture and design project
on the concept of ecology, green areas, urban oasis.

MEMORY BOX, a mobile device, a cultural antenna, for “emergency zones”: public library and videoteque, cinema, kiosk, space for sound installations, lectures and performances. It has been activated along border’s areas (Waimar, Larissa, Nicosia).

GOING PUBLIC: public art and urban project, created for International Festival of Philosophy in Modena, that investigates the key points of public sphere, involving young students, local communities, artists, writers, architects, geographers, sociologists coming from all over the world.

participation and network:

Mobilitaly, Ministero Beni Culturali/DARC, Roma; Come comunicano i linguaggi visivi oggi, Triennale, Milano; ARCO ’04, Madrid; Arte Pubblica e dintorni, Accademia di Belle Arti Brera, Milano; Resistere, Libera Università di Bolzano; Museo de la Calle y Raimond Chaves, Spazio Mirta Demare, Rotterdam; A Ticket to Bagdad, Galleria Civica di Modena; Video and Photo Biennial, Sofia/Plovdiv; Public Art Project, Middlesex University, Londra; Going Public, Quattan Foundation, Ramallah; Poetica della Mobilità, Fondazione Olivetti, Roma; Arab Images, Noorderlicht Photofestival, Groningen; Going Public Project, Nicosia, Cipro; Paradigmata, IX Biennale di Architettura, Venezia; Benaki Museum, Atene; New Borders, Tijuana, Mexico; From Balkans to Baltic, Wyspa Progress Foundation, Danzica; Festival Internazionale del Cinema, Locarno; Communities and Territories, Contemporary Art Centre, Larissa; Ciudad, Photo Espana’05, Madrid; Art Photo Video Festival, 1° Bucharest BiennalNetworked Cultures, Goldsmiths University, London; Iraqi Equation, Kunst Werke, Berlin; Cyprus Day, Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella; Atlante Mediterraneo, Platform Garanti, Istanbul; Ashkal Alwan Association Beirut; Cairo Biennial, TownHouse Gallery, Cairo; Memory Box, Artos Foundation, Nicosia; A Garden for All, Alexandria; Public and Territorial Art, Fundaciò Antoni Tapies, Barcelona; ReThinking Beirut, Art Book, Triennale, inContemporanea, Provincia di Milano; On migration, Festival of Social Sculpture, PinchiuckArtCenter, Kiev; New-City Territory, IUAV, Biennale di Venezia.
