- Winter 2014/15
Master - 264.098
- Module
Visual Culture
The 2014/15 course programme focuses on ‘Building Capital’ as part of a global development, in which decision-making about societal cohesion, about building developments and infrastructural projects has become the preserve of financial institutions and consultancies. What are the cultural references, technologies and speculations through which architectue is enrolled in this development? And which kind of culture is emerging in the transformation of the built environment from a container for the production of commodities to a capitalist commodity in itself?
Course subjects range from new developments of crowd-funding in architecture to the generation of financial, social and affective capital in urban projects, and from the philosophical dimension of pursuing gains to the question of capital impact in art and media culture.
Visual Culture Module
Start: 07 October 2014
Location: Karlsgasse 11, media lab (lower ground floor)
For further details please see link below