- Winter 2015/16
Master - 264.094
- Visual Culture
Module - Sen.Sc. Arch. DI Dr.
Helge Mooshammer
The course focuses on the interaction of architecture’s societal effects and changing cultural meanings. Specific topics range from the urban legacy of the global financial crisis and subcultural spaces of empowerment to the way in which the city acts as a funnel for various fllows of migration and power. In doing so, the course draws on a variety of material ranging from artistic projects and academic case studies to more general theories of globalisation and independent project work.
Urban Visual Culture
Sen.Sc. Arch. DI Dr. Helge Mooshammer
Start: 13 October 2015, 16:00-20:00
Location: Seminarraum 2, Karlsgasse 11
For further details please see link below